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A Service Target Requires At Least One Endpoint

A service target is a collection of endpoints. Endpoints are the destinations where the load balancer sends requests to. When creating a new service target, add at least one endpoint using APIv4 or Cloud Manager.

If at service target was created without an endpoint, delete the service target using APIv4 or Cloud Manager, and re-add it with an endpoint.

Editing only the Service Target Endpoint host Requires a Workaround for Beta

Updating the service target endpoint host value using APIv4 PUT /v4beta/aclb/{id}/service-targets/{id} or Cloud Manager is not supported for Beta.

If you need to update the service target endpoint host, you can do one of the following;

  • Edit the ip and host together and then edit just the ip back to its original value.
  • Delete the service target and create a new service target with the required host value.

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